Welcome to Aledo Youth Football and Cheer

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Spring 2025 7on7 News


7 on 7 Spring 2025 Coach/Player Roster and Parent Waiver Form (click here to download)

Coach/Team Registration for 3rd thru 6th grades will be open here under "Registration" on our website 2/1/25 and close at 11:59 pm on 2/28/25 - each division will have a max cap of 6 teams.

Completed and parent signed original roster and parent waiver form must also be turned into Zach Barnett by registration deadline of 2/28/25.


Regular Registration for Aledo Youth Football & Cheer is open from 4/1 thru 4/30 each year

Please make note of this on your calendar.  

We offer sideline Cheer as well as Flag football for kids 4 & 5 years old and Tackle football for kids 6 years old thru 6th Grade (detailed divisions below).


Please make a reminder note on your calendar each year for April 1st thru 30th! We keep registration open for the full month of April and send out multiple reminders to prior participants during open enrollment as well as post here and on our Facebook Page at Aledo Youth Football.  Please review our FAQ menu above for answers to all your questions!  PLEASE NOTE: @hotmail.com is flagging all system group emails as spam.  If you have a hotmail or yahoo email in your account profile you will need to make sure you are checking our website calendar (click on a date for details) and/or Facebook page for updates, change your email or add a secondary email to your account profile. 

Our program is for players that either live in the AISD community or attend AISD schools only. Aledo Youth Football plays in the NCT (North Central Texas) League with Azle, Brock, Granbury, Mineral Wells, Springtown and White Settlement (with more possible). Games will be both in Aledo and at those school locations. 

All Tackle Football players registration must include the following 4 required documents or image uploads so please have documents/images ready before you register your football player/s: 

1. Birth Certificate (unless registering from same account as last year)

2. Proof of Enrollment/Grade; report card preferred (see below) or minimally screenshot of schedule from school portal (image needs to include both player name and current grade i.e., for 6th Grade; ELAR 5 = 5th grade this year on schedule)

  • To get report card from AISD Parent portal - go to "report card" and you can screenshot to upload that will show students name, phone number and address (redacted below) as well as grade and date you ran it
  • Please DO NOT ask the school for anything special - you should have access to fulfill the requirement for registration.

3. Address Verification/Proof of residency; current utility (electric or water) bill showing parent name and address.  

4. Headshot of player; this is the player only of head/shoulders only - similar to passport photo, not your dog or any other random photo.  This will be printed for tackle weigh-ins and must match the player.

 Available football (and cheer) offerings will now be set as follows for all NCT league teams for 2024 based on 9/1/2024 player age (football offerings will have age range prevention configured):

5U Flag

6U Flag

 7U-Tackle (weight limit to carry ball 80 lbs)

8U-Tackle (weight limit to carry ball 90 lbs)

9U-Tackle (weight limit to carry ball 100 lbs)

10U/11U-Tackle (weight limit to carry ball 115 lbs)

6th Grade-Tackle NOTE: Athletes in 6th grade must play 6th grade division regardless of age (weight limit to carry ball 125 lbs)

 All Flag Football player (5U and 6U) registrations will include the following 3 required document or image uploads,

please have documents/images ready before you register your football player/s:

1. Birth Certificate (unless registering from same account as last year)

 2. Address Verification/Proof of residency; current electric or water bill showing parent name and address

3. Headshot of player; this is the player only head/shoulders similar to passport photo

Head Coach Volunteers must be registered as well - interviews will be scheduled with the Volunteer Board prior to selection.  If you are interested in being a head coach please register by the same deadline as players.  AYFCA is a 501c3 Organization and we cannot do this without our parent coach volunteers! Assistant Coaches are selected by the Head Coach at/after drafts and all badged assistant coaches will also have to complete registration and background checks. 

 All Cheer registrations should be done in the appropriate age division the participant will be in as of 9/1 with sibling request fields to be completed during registration for any division re-alignments.  There are NO document requirements for cheer registration.  For more cheer updates please see our new Cheer Info menu above! 

All Cheer uniforms were new in 2023 and will be used again for 2024 - All cheer participants needing any new uniform item will need to attend one of the three fitting dates.  Megaphones/Poms are same from last year but can be purchased at fittings or by a link that will be emailed out at later date if you only need those.  

Presentational Coach/Team Registration for 7 on 7 Touch Football visual

Coach/Team Registration for 7 on 7 Touch Football - Spring 2025

READ ALL BEFORE REGISTERING: Coach Only Registration for grade pure 3rd thru 6th Grades Touch Football Season runs from March 21 - May 2nd with a one week playoff on May 9. 35 minute games with two games per night on Friday nights. No games March 28th. Each Head Coach will register for their team and will print and have each player parent sign the AYFCA Roster and Waiver form found on the home page under the flyer. The original form must be turned in to Zach Barnett no later than Feb 28th and be registered and paid here to be considered completely registered. Zach Barnett can be reached at the number on the flyer or via email from our "About Us" Board League Commissioner page on our website.  There are no individual player sign ups.  There is a max cap of 6 teams per division and waitlist will be open once that cap is reached.  All teams secure own practice locations and schedules.  Games will be at both AISD Middle Schools. All players must meet the Lives In or Attends AISD schools to participate.  Any new coach that was not badged in the fall 2024 season must also complete a background check that will be sent via link separately to those coaches.  

Registration Status:
Regular Registration:
Saturday, February 1, 2025 - Saturday, March 1, 2025
Program Duration:
Friday, March 21, 2025 - Friday, May 9, 2025
Regular Registration Cost:
D1 Training websiteTara Sawyer Foundation websiteMyser Orthodontics website